Wednesday, June 30, 2010

it's good to be home.

a couple days ago i got to hang out with this gorgeous woman.
it's been far too long since i have seen her. you see, desiree has always been my best friend. no matter how much time we spend apart, she is always there for me. and now that i live home i can't wait to see her more often!! 

dance in 5th grade. hahah.
we go way back.

15 years old.

love her!
and everyone else i have forgotten about in kaysville..
however, i am excited to venture up to logan this weekend for the cache valley cruise in.

1 comment:

  1. i remember the dails of "crimped hair"! haha. cute pics.
    xoxo, jamie

    p.s. i left you an award on my blog!
