Tuesday, December 13, 2011

december book club.

*over the break, I think I'll share some of my favorite reads with you...starting with TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA.

Luke bought it when he was bored at work one day (working within a block of a Barnes & Noble...lucky kid) & he let me read it after he was finished. Luke & I are both "lovers, not fighters" but this book made me want to be even better. Practicing Buddhism is fun for me because it's a huge stress reliever...& it's a way of life, not necessarily a religion. The book is peaceful & an easy read for the most part that teaches you about the basics of Buddhism. Here is my favorite excerpt of the whole thing:

Radiant Presence
However young,
The seeker who sets out upon the way
Shines bright over the world.

But day & night
The person who is awake
Shines in the radiance of the spirit.

Live purely.
Be quiet.
Do your work, with mastery.

Like the moon,
Come out from behind the clouds!

Beautiful, right? What a great way to start off the Xmas Break. Next read: The Candy Shop War. I'll post about it when I'm finished! Happy holidays!


  1. Dad wants to know if being a Buddhist helps you qualify for your pell grants...

  2. Hahaha oh dad. Tell him yes, since we Buddhists are a minority ;)
