Thursday, December 22, 2011


I did this last year and kinda loved it. Summing up my music tastes for the year was incredibly difficult though. I got introduced to so much new music this year (thanks boyfriend!) that I found it really hard to narrow it down to just ten albums. So I have eleven.. :)
1. Bon Iver's self titled album. Incredible. Give perth a listen. They sold this album at my work & I listened to it for months without ever getting sick of it. It's beautiful!

2. Bright Eyes - The People's Key
This Omaha native never ceases to amaze me. Such a powerful lyricist. Check out this song, all seven minutes of it.

3. Cut Copy - Zonoscope
This band is always great to dance to at parties.. I love the upbeat new age feel of the group. Their latest album was no exception.

4. The Decemberists - The King is Dead
These guys came to SLC this past summer, as well as released a new album that I could not get enough of.

5. Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
The most beautiful music I think I have ever heard. This album could possibly take the cake for being my number one favorite album of the year.

6. Radiohead - The King of Limbs
I've always dug the weird vibes of Radiohead. With the exception of Creep, most of their songs are a bit out there, & that is what I love about them. Check out this music vid if you want to see just how crazy/weird/awesome they get.

7. Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
The song the album was named after will possibly blow your mind. I recommend listening to it while sitting down, or else your knees might give out. No joke, that's what happened to me when I first heard it. Sheer beauty.

8. Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk
As if being a sexy old man & a badass TV doctor isn't enough, Hugh Laurie proved to the world that he's also a brilliant musician.

9. City & Colour - Little Hell
A favorite band of mine since high school, they finally released a new album that tops anything they've ever created. 

10. Noah & the Whale - Last Night on Earth
The best happy music you will ever need, these guys influenced my life this year possibly more than any other band. PLEASE give them a listen. They have something for everyone.

11. Paul Simon - So Beautiful or So What
Simon & Garfunkel is easily in my top 3 favorite bands, so when Paul released a new album this year I couldn't resist. Turns out he's still amazing, brilliant & incredibly talented.
I sure hope 2012 can top this...but I doubt it.

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