Thursday, December 20, 2012

finals week is over//a final few photos.

probably the highlight of the entire indie ogden awards was the photo booth. it was by far the most popular place to be the whole night, including all the food tables.
& while i only got to sneak in there twice, it was pretty much awesome nonetheless. so many photos on facebook!! i didn't even realize how many people were there.

on an unrelated note, my last finals week of fall semester is OVER. the best news of this is that I PASSED MY FINAL SEMESTER OF MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
which i did NOT think i was going to do.
my heavens.. i cried tears of joy! for those who know me, this is a very big deal 5 years in the making. i will be so happy to never set foot in the WSU/USU math buildings EVER. AGAIN.
& as i walk by them, i will make an obscene gesture every time.
oh & also.. i am officially graduating in the spring.
*happy dance*

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! So excited for you! Congrats girlie! Totally doing the happy dance with you!
