Saturday, July 23, 2011


today is a very sad day for me.
i will never forget the day i heard amy winehouse's voice for the first time. a friend from college and i were driving up the mountain when he put on this song. i remember thinking, "this can't be the same girl who sings that annoying rehab song!!" because in all honesty, i hated that song at first.
but soon it was too late to hide the fact that i loved her. and soon i even grew proud of it! to the point where i could blast "rehab" with the windows down and not even care if people thought i was weird. she was amazing.
she had an incredible voice and was hands-down one of the most influential artists i've known.
the poor soul, lost and always struggling with substance abuse and emotional issues. i have a feeling none of us understood exactly what was going on in amy's life. which is why i will never judge her for what may have killed her (some say it was a drug overdose). i can only thank her for the beautiful music i have had the opportunity to hear over the years.
every time i hear amy winehouse, i think of better days. when i lived in logan with my best friends..emily and i would listen to her as we did the dishes, or as we did homework in the living room. i'd blast it in my room, my car, my parent's house, friend's houses...anywhere.
she was a huge influence in my life in many ways. i named my guitar cherry after one of her songs, and i wanted to name my friend's dog valerie after my all time favorite song of hers. (i didn't win that discussion, sadly enough.)
she was a beautiful person, inside and out.

i will never forget the swooping feeling in my stomach when my boyfriend texted me today telling me the news. i literally got teary eyed and had to go to the back room for a moment to collect my thoughts. such a waste of a beautiful woman who could have been so great.

on to a better place.

check out my other favorite amy winehouse songs here, here and here.
also read this beautiful article from NPR about amy.

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