Wednesday, January 11, 2012

this may surprise some of you...

i've picked my candidate for the 2012 election, & no it's not obama.
(this is the part where your jaw drops.)
i've always been a fan of obama, & if huntsman doesn't win the nomination i am FOR SURE voting for him again. but just saying, jon huntsman is an awesome liberal-republican! i didn't even think that was possible, but after hearing his stance on gay marriage (he is for civil unions, which i love..makes the gays happy & the religious less freaked out!), job creation (the WSJ has said that huntsman has "the most pro-growth proposal ever offered by a US presidential candidate") and education reform, i am all aboard team huntsman.

too bad he probably won't get the GOP nominee. what do y'all think??? 
EDUCATE YOURSELVES, readers. we can't expect change if we aren't willing to participate in politics & voting. ROCK THE VOTE.

1 comment:

  1. I actually agree with you Laur. He's probably going to be my vote as well if he wins the nomination. His views are very similar to my own. Which is nice to see politically. Republican and liberal views put aside. :)
