Monday, June 18, 2012


i'm very glad i don' t work until late tomorrow, because i have caught the insomnia bug...bad.
last night i had anxiety over what to do come fall, balancing school & my 2 (& a half) jobs. it all seems like so much sometimes.
but today it feels like nothing.

earlier this evening i heard about the sibling of an old, dear friend of mine passing away. my friend arianna marsden lived in my parent's neighborhood when we were in jr. high. she was my locker partner, my confidant & my friend through many awkward years. she played a role in the lds movie, "the testaments" (the little girl with the monkey!) so i always felt so privileged to be her friend. her whole family was so lovely, & always welcoming to me.
i remember her little brother, sawyer. he was so cute & lovable. he always wanted to hang out with us, even though most of the time we were far "too cool" for little brothers. that was hardly the case, though. he was always coming up with clever pranks to play on their little sister, alanna, who is my sister rachel's age. we had a blast through those years. it was a lovely time in my life.

it's been a good 10 years since i've really even thought about sawyer, or talked to him. they moved back to canada when i was going into 9th grade, & other than keeping in touch with ari, i didn't know much about the family through the years.

i'm up tonight because i'm so, so sad for her family. i'm so sad for the heartache they have to endure. i can't even believe the little boy sawyer is gone. i don't even think he made it to 21. it breaks me, to my core.
i've always had an irrational fear of losing family & those close to me. i've been dealt a great hand in that i've never had to deal with something like that. a close friend of mine passed away my sophomore year of college, & that is it: the closest i've come to true, complete heartbreak.

anxiety is keeping me up; mostly i'm afraid something will happen to those close to me. sometimes i have to talk myself out of this sort of thought process. all growing up, i guilted myself into doing what i was "supposed" to do, because if i didn't, god would punish me by taking away someone i loved. i see now the complete irrationality of that mindset, though at the time it made sense... the scare tactics used by the church i was raised in can be a bit bothersome. i was truly terrified that if i did something considered a "sin," the next day my mom would die. i remember when my next door neighbor died at the age of 8, i spent months & months trying to convince myself that it WASN'T because i did something wrong. she was just...gone, because the universe made it so. & i have gotten lucky to not be one of those chosen to just...go.

that's another thing eating at me this evening. if i were gone tomorrow...just gone, completely, with no time to say my goodbyes... what would people think? i guess it would depend on how i went. but i get so paranoid of thinking that what if tomorrow i get hit by a bus, & people think, "oh, poor lauren. she was never on the right path anyway." or that they never know how deeply i care for my family, despite how different & isolated i sometimes feel. that they would never know how hard i tried to be "normal," to be one of them, to be something i'm not.

i guess the point of this post is to point out how much i truly love you all. my family, boyfriend, close friends, acquaintances..even those who read my blog that i have never met. life is special. life is sacred. it's something bigger than what we know.
cherish those you love, & make sure you never hesitate to tell them how you feel.
i already feel better (& more sleepy). sometimes a good venting/admittance of how much i love those around me is just what i need.


  1. You better be sticking around for a while Laur but I want you to know you would be very deeply missed if you did die tomorrow. I would so devastated. I love your happy joyful presence and fun sense of humor. You are always so quick to laugh and I love that. I hope you know we love you so much just the way you are!

  2. I really can't comment on this post without speaking my mind about one point..but please keep reading past this first point: The church you were raised in does NOT teach that God punishes us by taking away loved ones or other things. That is just COMPLETELY and utterly not true. I'm not sure what happened in your childhood that made you come away thinking that, but the church does not use 'scare tactics' to encourage good behavior.

    Your view is skewed from what you remember of the doctrine when you learned it as a child. This happens to all of us with different things...when I was a child I was CONVINCED every time we heard the song "Amanda" by Boston on the radio that it was actually my dad singing it at the radio station for my sister, Amanda. I thought that for YEARS...but obviously just because I thought that didn't make it true. I think you need to be careful about what you state as doctrine because what you know is based on your skewed view from when you were a child instead of a more mature study of it in adulthood.

    OKAY--now that that's off my chest, the REAL reason I wanted to comment was to say that we know how much you love your family. You express it often. You are so sweet to my kids and your love for them is obvious. And I always equate people loving my kids as a form of love for me and Jason (maybe that's not true, but it really touches my heart when people show love to my kids and it makes me love the person even more).

    AND you should also know that all of us would be very sad if you died tomorrow. You would be deeply missed and there would always be a hole in our family. You make our time together more fun and you help us to think about things in different ways...which is always a good thing if you ask me. PLUS, if you died tomorrow that would kind of ruin our plans for your possible trip out here!

    Ironically, the organization that made death harder for you to bear makes it easier for me to bear. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that this life is not the end, that we will be together as families again. That knowledge gives me so much peace and happiness and I know that one day all the questions of 'why' will be answered and that when those answers come, we will realize that losing loved ones had nothing to do with whether we are sinners or saints but that it was all about a plan that Heavenly Father had for each one of us.

    We love you Laur!!!

  3. Thanks guys! These sorts of things always get me thinking. It's so sad, and I feel so horrible for her family. It just puts things in perspective!

  4. Laur
    First we love you. We are so happy you make my brother happy. And that you are sweet and kind and loving. And you would be very missed by many many people. Second. I agree with vanessa, we each have our own skew on things, and things that one person may say impact our vision of what our religion teaches, but that isn't always the case. Someone may have told you that bad things happen to bad kids, but that was their take on things, not what our religion teaches. I just wanted to let you know we have a Loving Forgiving God. Who loves us no matter what our choices in life, He will always be there for us in our time of need.
    Love you tons!

  5. it's true that it's all about perspective. that's why i find it so silly that people expect me to follow the "right" religion, or the "right" church. right for YOU is not always right for ME. not to mention every church scripture that says "do something wrong and you will burn" sorta scared me. haha :)
    this was mostly venting on how scary life is. it's so precious, & unpredictable. it makes me sick thinking of having to go through something like that. :/
    i love you guys too. & i am VERY glad i make luke happy :)
