Wednesday, November 21, 2012


tomorrow is thanksgiving, & while i plan on posting a plethora of things i am grateful for, i wanted to dedicate an entire post to this boy.
in case you guys hadn't heard, we are in love.
he does everything in his power to ensure i am happy. he tells me he loves me every single day & he makes sure to get at least one kiss a day (which is hard to do during the week when we never see each other). 
he randomly surprises me...with a guitar, with concert tickets, & by growing out his facial hair for no shave november solely because he knows how much i like facial hair.
it's really the little things that make me realize how much he loves me.
we joke together, laugh together, fight, cry, smile & more.
he's seen every side of me & has been there for me through it all.
here's just one instance of his surprising me... i woke up the other night around 6pm to find these sitting on my dresser.
luke came in the bedroom & i said "what are these for??" he said "well, it's the week of your  birthday. so happy early birthday."
seriously!?! my smile was humongous. 

i am so grateful for the experiences that led me up to my first day working at starbucks.
if none of those crappy things wouldn't have happened, none of this would have happened.
it just goes to show you have to weather a few storms in order to get to the rainbow.

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